Mandatory Employment Notices/Posters

Summary: Department heads are responsible for posting mandatory employment notices and posters in a place where employees can view them in the normal course of business. Examples of posting locations include break rooms, bulletin boards and entrances/exits. The notices/posters described below will assist organizational units to comply with the University of California’s obligation to post employment notices as required by federal and state law.

Employment Notices/Posters and Campus Contact Information

Paid Sick Leave
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

Payday Notice
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

Transgender Rights in the Workplace
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

Minimum Wage Notice- Federal
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

Minimum Wage Notice – California
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

Safety and Health Protection on the Job
Environmental Health & Safety
(949) 824-6200

Injuries Caused By Work
Human Resources – Workers’ Compensation unit
(949) 824-9152

Workplace Discrimination and Harassment
Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (OEOD)
(949) 824-5594

Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law
Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (OEOD)
(949) 824-5594

Right to Work
Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (OEOD)
(949) 824-5594

Employment Verification (E-Verify)
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

Rights and Responsibilities under the Family and Medical Leave Act (Federal)
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

Family Care and Medical Leave and Pregnancy Disability Leave (CFRA) (Notice B)
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

Pregnancy Disability Leave (Notice A)
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance and Paid Family Leave
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

Whistleblower Protections
Office of the Associate Executive Vice Chancellor
(949) 824-9166

Time Off to Vote – California
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

Polygraph Protection Act
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

Access to Medical and Exposure Records
Environmental Health and Safety
(949) 824-6200

Veterans Rights and Protections
Human Resources
(949) 824-5210

For additional information about mandatory postings, see:
UCOP – Mandatory Employment Notices/Posters
California Department of Industrial Relations, Workplace Postings

To obtain notices and posters in a language other than English, please contact Human Resources – (949) 824-7127.

Need an expert? Contact Human Resources, (949) 824-5210.

Author: Annie Krinsky   Last published: 2013-07-19