ZotPortal is available to applicants, students, faculty, and staff.
Your personalized one-stop-shop for UCI web resources.
ZotPortal brings together several campus tools and services into one simple-to-use place. With your UCInetID, you can customize your view to your needs.
ZotPortal can provide you with:
- Targeted news and announcements, relevant to you
- My Courses, which shows your schedule, grades, finals and books for each quarter
- Personalized Financial Aid and MyEEE information
- Employee tools and links
- Various different fun and useful news feeds
What does 'Zot' even mean?
'Zot' is the Anteater victory cheer! It's also the sound that Peter the Anteater makes when he snaps out his tongue to catch his food.
Claire Trevor School of the Arts
Quit Bitchin'
Maddie, Tig, and Jules are in a laundromat in rural America, exploding with pent-up rage from young motherhood, workplace misogyny, and uncertainties about marriage.
See also: https://ucirvinetickets.evenue.net/events/QBN?RSRC=ZotPortal&RDAT=QBN-link
Claire Trevor School of the Arts
Dance Escape 2025
M.F.A. choreographers unveil a dynamic lineup of original new works.
See also: https://ucirvinetickets.evenue.net/events/DE?RSRC=ZotPortal&RDAT=DE-link
Claire Trevor School of the Arts
Physical Graffiti 2025
Our annual dance concert, where boundaries dissolve and emotions are ignited
See also: https://ucirvinetickets.evenue.net/events/PG?RSRC=ZotPortal&RDAT=PG-link
UCI Campus Police Phone Numbers | |
Emergency Phone | 911 |
Dispatch Center | (949) 824-5223 |
Lost and Found | (949) 824-1885 |
Major Utility/Electrical Failure | (949) 824-5444 |
Medical Center - Police Phone Numbers | |
Police Emergency | (714) 456-5222 |
Fire and Medical Emergency | (714) 456-6123 |
Security | (714) 456-6501 |
Additional Important Phone Numbers | |
UCI Disaster Information Line | (866) IRV-NEWS (activated only after a disaster) |
Campus Assault Resources & Education | (949) 824-7273 |
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) | (844) 824-3273 |
Environmental Health and Safety | (949) 824-6200 |
Poison Control Center | (800) 222-1222 |
Risk Management | (949) 824-6510 |
Safety Escorts | (949) 824-7233 (SAFE) |
Student Health Center | (949) 824-5304 |
Workers' Compensation | (949) 824-9152 |
Workplace Violence Prevention | |
Police Department (24 hours) | (949) 824-5223 |
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) | (800) 433-2320 |
Counseling Center (for students) | (949) 824-6457 |