Around the campus in 60 seconds: A One-Minute Film Festival

Displaying until February 3, 2016
See also:

Around the campus in 60 seconds: A One-Minute Film Festival 

You are invited to compete for recognition and prizes in a film festival of one-minute clips that bring into focus aspects of the built environment of our campus: "Around the campus in 60 seconds". The best entries will be screened in the Student Center's Pacific Ballroom at 11:30am on April 18 as part of a conference on architecture and campus planning marking the 50th Anniversary of our campus. 

You do not have to make clips about William Pereira’s original buildings (though you can...), and you do not have to know a lot about architecture or campus planning. But your reflections on the effects and operations of the buildings should show how they make up our campus in look and feel and function; your short films might seek to observe something about the flow of people, of traffic, of air/heat/light/energy, of information around campus. Take our campus architecture (in that broad sense) as a pivot for thinking about campus life at UC Irvine.

Please enter for film through the link 

Prize Information:

1st Prize: $500

2nd Prize: $300

3rd Prize: $100

People’s Choice: $250

Most Architectural: $250

Deadline: March 15, 2016

Eligibility: All currently-enrolled UCI students

For information: contact Peter Krapp,

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