Peace & Justice Week

Displaying until January 30, 2016
See also:

Wednesday, January 27th

7 - 8:30pm at Crystal Cove Auditorium

KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Environment, Poverty, & Peacebuilding: A United Nations Perspective

David Jensen, Head of Environmental Cooperation for Peacebuilding in the United Nations Environment Programme

Thursday, January 28th

5 - 6:30pm at Crystal Cove Auditorium

PANEL: Peacebuilding: Lessons from Bosnia to Syria with Holly Dunn, PhD Candidate, Political Science Department, University of Minnesota

Paivi Lujala, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Erika Weinthal, Lee Hill Snowdon Professor of Environmental Policy, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University

Carl Bruch, Senior Attorney; Co-Director, International Programs, Environmental Law Institute

Marc Levy, Deputy Director of the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), a unit of The Earth Institute, Columbia University

Friday, January 29th

9:30am - 6:00pm at Student Center 

9:30am - 12:00pm  (Emerald Bay D & E)  Alternatives to Violence Workshop

1:00 - 2:45pm  (Pacific Ballroom C)  Discussion on Mainstreaming Peace Education Globally with Leaders of Education for Global Peace 

Ernest Anemone, Executive Director of Project My Voice

Stephanie Knox Cubbon, Peace Education Lecturer, Chapman University & San Diego City College

Nadeem Ghazi, President of Peace Education Welfare Organization-Pakistan

Darla Kay Hill, Global Education Consultant and Speaker

Gal Kleinman, Co-Director of Education for Global Peace

Mohamed Walid Lofty, Researcher at the London School of Economics

Peggy Poon, Elementary School Teacher, Los Angeles

Cris Toffolo, Professor & Chair, Justice Studies Department, Northeastern Illinois University. Co-chair of the Board of the Peace and Justice Studies Association

Lauren Zumbrun, Education Manager at Leadership Development International, South Sudan

3:00 - 5:00pm  (Pacific Ballroom C)  First Annual Conference of the Southern California Network for Peacebuilding

5:00 - 6:00pm  (Pacific Ballroom C)  Conclusion & Reception

6:30 - 8:30pm  (Pacific Ballroom C)  Awakening to Oneness: Relationship Meditation for Intimacy, Well-Being and Wisdom

Speaker: Lama Surya Das


All events are FREE and open to the public

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