Race and Policing: Defining the Problem and Developing Solutions

Displaying until October 8, 2016
See also: http://sites.uci.edu/raceandpolicing/

Repeated instances of police violence against people of color raise serious questions about the impact of race on policing. This symposium will bring together leading scholars and innovative practitioners to define the problem, identify challenges, and discuss possible solutions to this persistent issue.


This symposium coincides with the anticipated launch of the UCI Institute for Policing in Society (IPS). The goal of IPS is to serve as the premier multidisciplinary policy think tank to study all facets of policing in order to inform a future of policing in America that is defined by democratic principles, protection of civil rights and civil liberties, and evidence-based policy. This symposium will help to develop an initial research agenda focused on race and policing.


Free event and open to the public.

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