UCI ZineFest: Express Yo' Self!

Displaying until October 27, 2016
See also: http://illuminations.uci.edu/events/2016_10_26_ZineFest.html

Express Yo’ Self! The UCI Libraries in partnership with the Cross Cultural Center and UCI’s LGBT Resource Center will be hosting the 2nd annual UCI Libraries Zinefest. During the event, visitors can express themselves and create their own mini-magazine with coaching from the ZebraPizza zinester duo, contribute to community zines, and chat with other zinesters from Orange County. We will have a specially curated exhibit available for viewing with the UCI Libraries ever growing collection of zines. Special presentations will be given by Emilee Matthews (Research Librarian for Visual Arts, UCI Libraries) and Jeanne Scheper (Associate Professor of Gender & Sexuality Studies, UCI School of Humanities.)

UCI Libraries Zinefest will be held on Oct. 26 from 12-4pm in Gateway Plaza. All are welcome at any time.

For more information, please visit the UCI Libraries Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/events/154792731594696/

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