January is Stalking Awareness Month

Displaying until January 31, 2017
See also: http://www.care.uci.edu/events/stalking-awareness.html

According to the Stalking Resource Center of the National Center for Victims of Crime, 7.5 million people are stalked each year in the United States. In recognition of Stalking Awareness Month, UCI CARE will be holding several programs to raise awareness and educate the campus community about the warning signs and available resources related to stalking.

Social Media Awareness Campaign
Follow CARE on Facebook and Instagram to learn about tips, resources, and statistics on stalking and cyberstalking throughout the month of January. Share resources and statistics from your social media accounts, using #UCIStalkingAwareness.

Stalking Awareness: At UCI, Online, and in the Media
Visit the CARE peer educators on Ring Road to learn more information about stalking, ways to keep yourself safe online, and campus and community resources. See if you can identify stalking behaviors in movies and TV shows. Look out for the large display by the Starbucks from Wednesday, January 25th to Friday, January 27th from 10 am to 2 pm each day.

Our confidential CARE Advocate is available to provide emotional support to survivors and assist them with a wide range of services including, but not limited to, academic accommodations, safety planning, and discussing various reporting options.

For more information on all of these programs, please visit the CARE website or contact care@uci.edu

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