Stock the Shelves: Student Pantry Food Drive

Displaying until November 4, 2017
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Mark your calendars to #MakeYourMark this Nov 3 & help stock the shelves of UCI's student food pantry!

Being a college student is hard enough without having to worry where your next meal is coming from. For 45% of the student population at the University of California, Irvine, food insecurity is a critical issue and one that the UCI Student Outreach And Retention (SOAR) Center is trying to address. The FRESH Basic Needs Hub is a student-initiated service available to UCI students who need access to basic needs security resources.

On Nov 3, the UCI School of Social Sciences Dean's Leadership Society and Alumni Network are spearheading an effort to fully stock the pantry's shelves in advance of finals and the holiday season. Help us ensure our students' worries rest in acing their finals, not filling their empty stomachs.


  • Canned Fruits & Veggies
  • Canned Meat
  • Canned Beans & Soup
  • Cereal
  • Whole Grain Pasta & Rice
  • Peanut Butter

Online donations accepted.
For questions or further information, contact Melissa Churlonis, or 949.824.7472

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