Beginning Backpack to Sitton Peak

Displaying until November 9, 2017
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This is the perfect introductory trip for new backpackers. It will give you a hands on opportunity to practice skills you've learned previously or test out your comfort level for new skills. Sitton peak is close to campus and a relatively easy hike with great panoramic views of the coast. We will hike in, spend the night and hike out the next day. It's the perfect way to end fall quarter and develop your new backpacking skills.

This is a carpooling trip. The cost of food is included so that it will be easier to provide for the group. Group gear will be provided but each participant will need their own backpack, sleeping bag and sleeping pad. If you don't have these items they can be rented from the Outdoor Adventures Coordinator. Pre Trip meeting is scheduled for November 9th 7:30pm in ARC Conference room

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