First Glimpse: Introducing The Buck Collection

Displaying until September 30, 2018
See also:

First Glimpse Opening Reception

The UCI Institute and Museum for California Art will host its first public exhibition of The Buck Collection. The show, entitled First Glimpse: Introducing The Buck Collection at the UCI Institute and Museum for California Artwill open Saturday, September 29, at the UCI Claire Trevor School of the Arts with a reception open to the public.


About the Exhibition

UCI proudly offers a First Glimpse of The Buck Collection, part of the emerging Institute and Museum for California Art. Acquired by Newport Beach developer and eclectic collector Gerald Buck, the 3,300 artworks by California artists span a broad range of genres and media. This exhibition, held at the Claire Trevor School of the Arts, reveals just over fifty works of Abstract Classicism, Expressionism, Assemblage, California Funk, Light and Space, and those defying definition. The exhibition presents California as a crucible of creativity and its artists as pioneering new movements, altering historical courses, and following powerful individual vision.

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