Artivism Fair - Free Food and Giveaways!

Displaying until May 24, 2019
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ARTIVISM FAIR with Guest Speaker: Gloria Lucas from Nalgona Positivity Pride
In collaboration wtih ASUCI, MEChA, & Womxn's Hub

Thursday, May 23, 2019 | 12:00 - 3:00 PM | Dr. White Room, Cross-Cultural Center
12:00 - 1:00 PM | How to Use Social Media To Grow Your Brand
1:30 - 3:00 PM | Artivism Fair
Free tote bags, tshirts, and sustainable utensils @ the Art Fair! 
First come, first serve. While supplies last. 

RSVP for food count: 

SPEAKER FROM 12:00 - 1:00PM
In this presentation, participants will be able to define their brand and discover effective methods of using their brand and growing their social media following. Gloria will also share the beginning of Nalgona Positivity Pride (NPP) and how the riot grrrl movement as well as the D.I.Y punx subculture helped create NPP. Participants will learn the different ways NPP has been able to use digital spaces to grow into a 100k+ social media platform. Participants will leave with a workbook and NPP's secret tools for success. FREE LUNCH PROVIDED!

ART FAIR FROM 1:30 - 3:00PM
Meet and support your UCI student artists! The Cross-Cultural Center, Womxns Hub, and ASUCI Campus Climate Commission are collaborating to create a space to give the UCI community to display their artwork/creative projects and share their processes. We are centering this student centered fair on the theme of artivism. Artivism is defined as a way to express your passions and experiences that are impacted by the social injustices within our environment. Drop by to get FREE totebags, tshirts, sustainable utensils, and other giveaways! 


Gloria Lucas is an activist, entrepreneur, and body-positive Xicana womxn with a background in sexual health education, HIV/AIDS services, and trauma & substance abuse services. 

In 2014, she founded Nalgona Positivity Pride (NPP). a Xicana-brown- indigenous body-positive organization that provides intersectional education for disordered eating and community-based support for people of color. She creates spaces for marginalized folx to support each other and heal from the trauma of colonialism, eurocentruc beauty ideals, and disordered eating in communities of color. 

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