Institute for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Displaying until September 18, 2019
See also:

Institute Learning Outcomes -The Institute enables participants to:

  • network with UCI and other professional colleagues engaged in all aspects of work to promote inclusive excellence;
  • examine strategic practices and emerging evidence aligned to educational missions for inclusive and positive campus climates;
  • engage in common activity and action planning for successful inclusive excellence outcomes specific to home unit goals for students, faculty, and staff.

About Our Event - This year's Institute provides all UCI members with the opportunity to hear updates concerning inclusive excellence action planning and to engage in activity planning and prioritizing to enact strategies.

About Our Keynoter - Professor Kezar is an internationally-recognized expert on change, governance and leadership in higher education, the changing faculty, and the role of leadership in creating change. She directs the Delphi Project on the changing faculty and student success (, and is regularly consulted by campus and national organizations for her work on non-tenure faculty, STEM reform, change, collaboration and leadership development. She joins our event for a skill-building session and keynote presentation crafted to improve the UCI change process for inclusive excellence.

Light breakfast and full lunch is provided.

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