HIIT Fit Challenge

Displaying until January 10, 2020
See also: https://www.campusrec.uci.edu/groupx/hiit-challenge.asp

HIIT Fit Challenge

Join us for the ARC HIIT Fit Challenge. It's a fun opportunity to test your fitness level using functional exercises as a measure. We're doing it on the first Thursday of the Quarter, January 9th, from 5:00pm to 7:00pm in the F45 space at the ARC. The test is ten minutes long. Each exercise is done for 45 seconds, with 15 seconds rest between events. It's a workout in itself. Each exercise will generate up to 100 points and there are 1,000 possible points for the whole challenge. You can register the day of the event. Just show up and play.

We have two catagories in the competition: High, and Hero. Both are high intensity, but the hero category is harder. You can participate in either group. The top ten finishers in both groups will win a UCI F45 T-Shirt.

Throughout the quarter, you can test your improvement on your own, and on February 27th we'll have a follow-up event so that you can test progress officially.

Please go to the event website for more details, and to see the T-Shirt and a list of the exercises.

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