Internal Control

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Internal Control

Summary: Over the years, growth, decentralization, and process refinements have modified UC Irvine's risk and control environment. Consequently the goal of Internal Control is to help departments attain reasonable assurance that business risks are managed efficiently and effectively.

Internal Control is a valuable resource to UCI business officers and has the following role:
  • Supports the system of internal control and implements programs that provide the Campus, the School of Medicine, and the Medical Center with useful resources to ensure that their controls effectively and efficiently manage risk
  • Provides training, consulting and facilitation services to business units
  • Develops techniques for the ongoing monitoring of key controls.
  • Develops clearer, simpler, and more streamlined business processes

Definition of Internal Control

Internal Control is broadly defined as a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of specific objectives in accountability, effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

The Internal Control Framework delineates the concept and components of internal control.

Business Conduct Principles Reference Guide
UC Irvine employees can find useful control resources in the Business Conduct Principles Reference Guide.

Control Self-Assessments
Control Self Assessment (CSA) seeks to determine whether the business processes in place are effective and whether objectives are being met.


Need an expert? Please contact Isabelle Liu , Director of General Accounting, (949) 824-2519.

Notice: University policies, procedures and applicable collective bargaining agreements shall supersede information in this document or elsewhere on this site.

Author: N/A   Last published: N/A